
How to Eq an Acoustic Guitar?

EQing an acoustic guitar involves adjusting its frequencies to achieve a more balanced and pleasing sound. Here are some general steps to EQ an acoustic guitar: 1.Start by cutting the low frequencies. The low-end rumble can muddy up the sound of an acoustic guitar. Cut the frequencies below 100Hz to remove any unwanted rumble. 2.Boost the high-end frequencies. To add clarity and brightness to the guitar sound, boost the high-end frequencies between 2kHz and 5kHz. 3.Cut or boost the mid-range frequencies. This depends on the specific sound you're trying to achieve. Cutting the mids between 500Hz and 1kHz can help reduce any nasal or boxy sounds. Boosting the mids can add warmth and depth to the sound. 4.Adjust the EQ settings based on the context of the mix. Make sure to listen to how the guitar sound fits with the other instruments in the mix. Make further adjustments to the EQ settings as needed to ensure that the guitar sits well within the mix. Remember that these are general guidelines, and the exact EQ settings will depend on the guitar, recording environment, and personal preferences. It's important to use your ears and experiment with different settings to achieve the desired sound.


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Plate reverb is a method of replicating the way sound reverberates in a room. Plate reverb units consist of large enclosed cases with a suspended metal sheet or "plate" inside. When a sound is played into the unit, vibrations inside the case create the illusion of reverb. However, purchasing an actual plate reverb can be expensive, costing thousands of dollars, and requires ample space. Luckily, software emulation has made it possible to recreate the iconic sound of artists like the Beatles and Pink Floyd in the digital age, without breaking the bank.If you're just starting out with reverb, it's best to begin with the stock reverb plugins that come with your digital audio workstation (DAW). These often include a variety of plate reverb presets to choose from. When it comes to mixing, having knowledge and skill is more important than expensive plugins. It's crucial to become familiar with the tools you already have before investing in premium plugins. 1.ValhallaPlate 2.Universal Audio EMT 140 3.SoundToys Little Plate 4.Abbey Roads Plate Reverb 5.Universal Pure Plate